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All Mods/Worlds

Silly Functions
These functions are ones that are just for messing around with friends and trolling.

Useful Tool Functions
These functions help you with a problem you have in a game.

Redstone Ready Preset For Minecraft Bedrock Edition
Everyone knows the "redstone ready" preset that you can get on the java version, but I made it for the Bedrock version! This is the world download for it. Made by: JCW

Minecraft Manhunt For Bedrock Edition
The YouTuber known as Dream invented a game where 1 person tries to beat Minecraft before another person can kill them. The person trying to kill is the hunter and the person who's trying to beat Minecraft is the speedrunner. The hunter is trying to kill the speedrunner at all times. But, the catch is that the hunter gets a compass that is always pointing in the direction of the speedrunner. But that was on the Java version of Minecraft. Well, I made a mod for the Bedrock version that does this!
How to setup & use:
To get started, give yourself a command block, then place it somewhere. You can place it underground if you wanna hide it. Then, make the command block repeating and always active by looking at the left side of the command block GUI and make “Needs Redstone” always active by clicking or tapping the button, then clicking “Always Active” and then make “Impulse” “Repeat” by doing the same thing as the Always Active but with the Impulse button. Then, in the command block type “function setup” and then you’re done with that part.
To start the round and select the speed runner, type “/function start” in chat, then you get teleported 60 blocks from where you are, and all players get a compass. To select who the speed runner is, it’s whoever types the command in chat. So if you type it in chat, then you’re automatically the speed runner, and if your friend types it in chat, then they’re the speed runner.
When you are done with the round, you can do “/function reset” in chat, then all players are teleported by each other and then the other person can be the speed runner next.
List of all function commands:
/function setup: has to go into a repeating and always active command block, and that’s the main compass code that tracks the speed runner.
/function start: gives all players a compass, and changes game rules and settings to make the game work.
/function reset: teleports all players to one player, gets rid of compasses, and now the other person can be the speed runner.
/function help: tells you how to set everything up and what everything does.
And finally, if you want to use this in a YouTube video or another 3rd-party platform, you have to credit me in at least the description of your video, and link directly back to this page. Anyways, enjoy the mod! Made by: JCW
How to setup & use:
To get started, give yourself a command block, then place it somewhere. You can place it underground if you wanna hide it. Then, make the command block repeating and always active by looking at the left side of the command block GUI and make “Needs Redstone” always active by clicking or tapping the button, then clicking “Always Active” and then make “Impulse” “Repeat” by doing the same thing as the Always Active but with the Impulse button. Then, in the command block type “function setup” and then you’re done with that part.
To start the round and select the speed runner, type “/function start” in chat, then you get teleported 60 blocks from where you are, and all players get a compass. To select who the speed runner is, it’s whoever types the command in chat. So if you type it in chat, then you’re automatically the speed runner, and if your friend types it in chat, then they’re the speed runner.
When you are done with the round, you can do “/function reset” in chat, then all players are teleported by each other and then the other person can be the speed runner next.
List of all function commands:
/function setup: has to go into a repeating and always active command block, and that’s the main compass code that tracks the speed runner.
/function start: gives all players a compass, and changes game rules and settings to make the game work.
/function reset: teleports all players to one player, gets rid of compasses, and now the other person can be the speed runner.
/function help: tells you how to set everything up and what everything does.
And finally, if you want to use this in a YouTube video or another 3rd-party platform, you have to credit me in at least the description of your video, and link directly back to this page. Anyways, enjoy the mod! Made by: JCW

Fun Features Function Pack
This function pack has many commands to use when you are bored and want to mess with your friends for fun, or just try out cool features of the game that you haven't seen before.
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